The Great McMurtry Clan of Tennessee
McMurtry Family Website for the Descendants of John McMurtry (1752 to 1841)

Genealogical Data Forms

THE FORMS LISTED BELOW ARE PROVIDED FOR YOU TO KEEP FAMILY RECORDS OR PROVIDE INFORMATION TO FAMILY HISTORIANS AND FOR McMurtry Family Book UPDATES. Please feel free to print as many forms as you wish. For convenience they are MS Word documents so that any computer will open them easily.

Family Group 1
to document your family
Family Group 2
another type of family group form

Artifacts and Heirlooms
helps you keep track of any items in your possession or that you have knowledge of

Heirloom Inventory
another type of heirloom form

Cemetery Transcripts
documenting family member burial sites

Traditions Record
keep track of family traditions and their origins

Oral History Documentation
for use when documenting family stories from our ancestors